Sunday, May 27, 2007

Muscle Memory is bunk...

Contrary to popular opinion, muscles do not have memory ability.
Muscles are controlled by your brain, which explains why brain-dead individuals do not move a lot. The muscles can only contract and stretch...not memorize.

If you buy into the old wives' tale of muscle memory then you would also believe that practice makes perfect. The supposition is that if you 'pay your dues' on the practice tee, you will become a good player.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Today, scores of golfers are worse off for the amount of practice that they do. They simply become better at making bad shots. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Only the brain has memory capabilities.
So what is the purpose of practice then and what are you trying to 'memorize'?

Practice will bridge the gap between learning and execution and you are trying to memorize the kinaesthetic feel of correct swing mechanics. When you have done that, you simply reproduce that feel which will then reproduce the correct mechanics.

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