Sunday, May 27, 2007

Alignment Golf vs. Position Golf

This article is by Homer Kelley and in his words...thanks
to my coach Chuck Evans for transcribing it.

The subject for this outing is-the difference between
"Alignment Golf" ( hand controlled pivot) and "Position
" (pivot controlled hands). Position golf advocates
teaching the pivot components (especially) to move from an
Address Location to a Top Location to an Impact location to
a finish location in such a manner as to cause the Arms to
whip the Clubhead along a path that passes through the Ball
Location. Then to practice adjusting these various locations
to vary and control Ball Behavior.

I know, because I spent 15 years trying to reduce that to
shift to some sort of pattern. All the time, with a cry
"Golf is an art, and not a science." ringing far and wide.
And to this day. "Einstein was a great engineer but a lousy
golfer and" - all engineers are doomed to lousy golfing -
unless they ignored engineering, which they apparently do.

"Alignment Golf" holds that the relationships of those
"Component Locations", "Positions" AND "Movements", with
each other along the target line are the "Golfing

Here is the point of apparent confusion for some seekers.
The Hands and the Arms do not substitute for the Pivot. The
Pivot is the entire substance of Zone #1 of the G.O.L.F.
techniques advocates precision relationships and movements
of the Pivot. Which must be educated to make any adjustment
of these relationships and movements that Hands declare
necessary for avoiding interference with its complete
freedom in executing the Three Functions of the Club - those
of the Clubshaft, the Clubhead and the Clubface. All three
of which must be kept completely coordinated but completely
independent - the only procedure available for consistently
precise impact.

The advantages of this is obvious in The Golfing Machine. All these
factors can be identified, cataloged and assembled into a
completely compatible and repeatable - as well as infinitely
and voluntarily adjustable Patterns.

So Hand Controlled Pivots are Pivots at their best. Now -
what is recommended, is educating the Pivot Components - per
forthwith! Third with, if possible. At least, get started!!

Homer Kelley December 1982

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