This lady is a Tour player.
She says to turn the left shoulder behind the ball so that your Y Factor increases.
She says also that lateral movement from the ball is perfectly ok, so long as it is a feature of turning and coiling the upper body behind the ball.
Sounds perfectly logical...except that by doing so she has managed to move her head back past the centre of her body. Now to hit the ball she must sway back the EXACT amount she did on the backstroke.
The head that moves all over the place is akin to having a car with an axle not bolted on tight, wobbling beneath the undercarriage.
What does this mean to us? That tour players are humans with extreme athletic ability able to make swing compensations at the same time all the time.
I have no doubt that if she were to keep her head centered between her feet at all times (see below), she would have won more tournaments.

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